Selected Projects and Publications

Comprehensive and systematic literature searches

  • Comprehensive literature searches for review of clinical services for strategic planning for ambulatory/outpatient facility for Fraser Health Authority – Surrey Memorial Hospital
  • Comprehensive literature searches of services for strategic planning for Acute Care Capacity Initiative for Fraser Health Authority
  • Health policy
    • Child and youth mental health service delivery models and systems
    • Mental health promotion for aboriginal children and youth
    • Women's health frameworks and development/evaluation of women's health indicators
    • Government policy, including legislation, on supported employment programs for the mentally ill
  • Health human resources planning
    • Models for health consortia development
    • Staffing, training and delivery models for vision care
    • Determinants of supply and distribution of physicians and other health providers
    • Trends in nursing resources
  • Quality of care
    • Public reporting of performance measures
    • Population-based eye care service quality indicators
    • Best practices in mental health services for individuals with dual diagnosis (mental illness and developmental disability)
    • Clinical effectiveness debates in hospital-based technology assessment
  • Allocation of resources
    • Gender and health care utilization
    • Pattern of practice and patient utilization analysis for vision care
    • Patterns of morbidity and health services utilization by persons with chronic disease
    • Autism and Lovaas treatment, cost-benefit analysis
    • Patterns of outpatient surgery for cataracts
    • Hospital services utilization, depression and health determinants
    • Health services utilization by immigrants
    • Cost-effectiveness of coronary stents
    • Inappropriate prescribing to the elderly
    • Appropriate use of prescription drugs
  • Governance issues
    • Governance and patient safety
  • Wait lists
    • Access to health services in Canada and priority setting
  • Employee satisfaction
    • Factors affecting nurse satisfaction in hospital settings
  • Patient satisfaction
    • Factors contributing to patient satisfaction in hospital settings
    • Identification of patient satisfaction tools in hospital settings (emergency department, long-term care facilities, day surgery and mental health)
  • Telehealth
  • Development of a mental health toolkit for self-management of mental illness
  • Guidelines for public and patient education strategies around mental illness
  • Minimum data set development and information systems to track delivery of mental health services
  • Self-management of chronic disease
  • Cross border medicine
  • Premature mortality rate (PMR) in relation to and as measure for health status and need for health services
  • Traumatic brain injury and return to work/supported employment programmes

Selected Publications

Giustini, D. and Wright, M.D. (2009). Twitter: an introduction to microblogging for health librarians. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association, 30(1), p. 11-17. Available from:

Wright, M.D. (2008). Supporting sexual health and intimacy in care facilities: guidelines for supporting seniors and adults with disabilities living in long-term care facilities and group homes in British Columbia, Canada. Literature search – methodology, bibliography, key informants [report for Public Health Agency of Canada]. Vancouver, BC: Apex Information.

Wright, M.D. and Kazanjian, A. (2007). Best practices for vulnerable populations: methodology for systematically reviewing evidence of effectiveness for the Canadian Best Practices Portal for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention: Geographic Location – Rural: final report [report for Public Health Agency of Canada]. Vancouver, BC: Dept. of Health Care and Epidemiology, UBC.

Wright, M.D. (2007). Independent information professional. In: A day in the life: Career options in library and information science. Westport, CT: Libaries Unlimited.

Wright, M.D. (2005). Fraser Health Library Service: Guidelines for DB/TextWorks data entry and cataloguing conventions. New Westminster, BC: Fraser Health Library Service.

Wright, M.D. (2004). Developing standards for a public education resource centre: Questions to ask and considerations. Vancouver, BC: Apex Information.

Wright, M.D. (2002). Searching PubMed: An introduction [tips sheet]. Vancouver, BC: Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.

Kazanjian, A., Helmer, D., and Wright, M.D. (2001). Evidence-based health policy in Canada: Identifying the appropriate information for health technology decisions. Scipolicy, 1(2), p. 198-225.

Helmer, D., Wright, M.D., and Kazanjian, A. (2000). Shooting from the hip or target practice: A comparison of fugitive and conventional search results. Presentation Medical Library Association, Canadian Health Libraries Association Joint Conference. Vancouver, BC: BC Office of Health Technology Assessment.

Helmer, D., Wright, M.D., Savoie, I., and Green, C.J. (1999). Bibliography on systematic reviews: Locating, understanding and using the evidence. (BCOHTA 1999:2W.) Vancouver, BC: BC Office of Health Technology Assessment.